Wags and Swags yes, -but this still doesn't excuse us from trying to get a Grip on, and come to a Solution (or at least a "No More Worsening"), -of a given Real or Possibly Real Enuff of a Problem / Challenge. And I'm one with some considerable Doubts as to the level of Man Made & Total Global Warming, -and of its level of Seriousness. Still, -we can't just Opt Out of a Looming Enuff Issue, -just because it is this much or that much of a Wag or Swag. I'm sure that many other examples currently and thruout History exist, -where Man did *not* just Bow Out, -but rather Grabbed the Bull by the Horns and Addressed such! Many of these too quite Unknown and Waggish or Swaggish, -at their Time. And Man thereby Saved his Tail and Day! (I do not have such Specifics at the tip of my mind, -but again I'm sure that many exist). [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.