As far as I could tell with the Bird Flu, it was a 'what-if'. If certain things happened in a certain order, something could happen. Bird flu has existed for many years, and it hasn't turned into a pandemic. Virtually every death associated with the disease was of people who had heavy contact with dense flocks of birds, from the ones who raised them, the ones who slaughtered them, and the kids who played with the dead bodies.

The things they predicted for it didn't happen. They shrieked that it would follow the bird migration paths. It didn't; it followed the roads, or rather the vehicles that carried the dripping carcasses of the birds down those roads.

Whenever things like this are trumpeted by the media and the government, it's a good idea to pay very, very close attention to what ELSE the government is doing quietly at the same time. It's like watching a magician: if he's showing you one of this hands, keep an eye on the other one.

There hasn't been much about Earth being hit by asteroids lately either, has there?
