Sorry for being a Buttinski...

There is room on the registration form for several phone numbers. Yes, your contact information is required. You are encouraged to list "home", "work", "celular", "fax" or "other" telephone numbers for yourself. You are also REQUIRED to list an "Emergency Contact". This is described as being "somone other than the owner". There is an opportunity to list a "Primary" and an "Alterante" 24-hour Emergency Contact. There are up to four phone numbers that can be listed for each Emergency Contact. You can review the Official 406 MHz PLB Registration Form at

The authourities, (the AFRCC in the USA), will initially contact your Primary Emergency Contact. In the event that no one answers any of your Primary Emergency Contact's numbers, they will try your Alternate's numbers. Then, finally, they will begin calling the Owner/Operator's telephone numbers.

They are not complete automatons etiher, if your address is in Scottsdale, AZ and the beacon location is inside of Scottsdale, AZ, they may call the Owner/Operator's numbers first...

Best regards,