Sorry , I think I havent made myself clear enough.

Survival depends on intellegence, know-how, training, and a few tools you should be carrying on you . This rule is not gender specific. However, there are differences between genders, and it is part of being prepared to account for those differences and pay some attention to those gender-specific problems. That is what this thread is all about.

We are not here to say that men are smarter than women. Rather we are saying that some factors affect women prepredness in particular and they have to be thought about in advance. For example:

- Everyone - I think - agrees that women in general carry a bit smaller loads than men. That means lesser supplies, and then that minus space reserved for feminine stuff. It can mean lesser food and other essentails. So, what can she do to compnsate that ? Should she add a cache for example ?

- She has to face a few days every month where she needs to pay more attention to hygene so that a few days of discomfort do not turn into real health issues.

- She could be pregnant when SHTF, which means lesser movement ability, lesseer load carrying ability, and facing birth sometime in less-than-ideal circumstances.

These are real issues that should be prepared for.
That is what I meant with this thread. Also, I meant for everyone to think of all other possibilities (in addition to the three above) and what solutions to plan for NOW, before a disaster takes place.