It looks like a sad end to this drama. The same storm also took 4 lives in Washington. People just living nice safe lives in a nice urban environment with manicured lawns. We don't know if they had any emergency preparations we promote that may have made any difference. And now the three. Some people argue they took an uneccessary risk. A risk of not only their own lives, but that of their rescuers. That they chose a dangerous ascent, that they took appropriate equipment, left a note is of little import. People think 'They didn't have to go.' But what people forget, or shamefully never knew, is the 10th Mountain Division in this search WAS FIRST FORMED largely by recreational mountaineers during WW2 and the critical need for their knowledge pushing up the italian boot. Men like David Brower, future leader of the same Sierra Club that largely promoted ascents, including Mount Hood in the 1930s. What happened is of course tragic. A greater tragedy would be for humanity to sit at home, nice and safe like the other 4 victims.