I would exit ASAP. The worst that the bear will do is rumble around you campsite and leave. If you are a good camper he will find no food since you secured it far away from the site (unless he came when you were preparing the evening meal). Just make sure your wife/girlfriend/companion doesn't take fancy to a little cub. It happened to me and I will not wish situation like that to come upon anyone. I usually have a loaded firearm with me so standing a "fight" would never be a problem but I think that as a smaller animal I should be respectful and smarter and get the hell out of there. After all it's me being a guest at his house. Plus killing a bear mom and leaving two cubs for sure death is not my idea of being a good sportsman. If you are in a place that is frequently visited by bears maybe it would be wise to get one of those bear repellent spray things or a flare gun. From Late June to mid August I run into a bear at least 4-5 times a month. I saw anything from bears that couldn't care less because they were not hungry, to bears that were really nasty because they lived of garbage left by campers and they haven’t eaten in a while. But I always treat them as wild animals and promptly exit the area. If you can and the route is open try moving with the wind so you won't aggravate a bear with human scent especially if you only seen a cub but mother is nowhere in sight but surly near. <br><br>Matt<br>