Better late than never Barb,<br><br>Kerosene will store for a very long time. I can't give an exact time, but some say indefinite. Your local hardware store should have it in the paint section in 2 1/2 gallon and 1 gallon plastic containers. This is good clear kerosene. Be careful buying the 5 gallon cans in your big home stores, it is not the kind you want for lanterns and cooking stoves. If its red don't buy it. Kerosene is best stored in plastic because the water content will rust metal cans over a period of time.<br> When buying a firearm, go to a gun store or show and pick up as many as you can. There will be one or two that you will say, this sure feels good. Now you have narrowed your choices down. A woman will not shoot a gun that is not comfortable to her, and you need to shoot a minimum of 500 rds. through it. I bought a 12 ga. shotgun and took my wife and daughter out to shoot it. I fired it once and thats all it took for them to know they didn't want any part of it. Bigger is not always better. Proficiency and accuracy are paramount. If you awake in the night and can't find the safety on your weapon, it is useless, unless you club the attacker with it. Of course, this is just my opinion.<br><br>good luck<br>Bruce