21 days of emergency rations for 2 people is going to take up some space even with their compact size. This may or may not be a problem for you depending on your vehicle.

The only reason I bring this up is that I've been thinking of doing the very same thing with the exception that I'm thinking in terms of supplies for one person instead of two for the immediate future, and I have a small car so this issue becomes critical when I calculate how much space I have to dedicate to other emercency items such as extra fuel, water, roadside emergency supplies, and more.

Anyway, Datrex Blue rations come in 3600 Kcal packages.

I've been thinking of PMing the Redflare guy to see what the size of Blue Rations are. I noticed that they carry them as well as the Datrex White Rations (2400Kcal) and Mayday 1200Kcal packs.

Don't get me wrong on space issues. I do have a back seat, and I can adjust the load depending on passengers, what gear I'm taking on a trip and so on. I'm not going to short change myself just so that I have a clear backseat to look nice. LOL

Overall, if it's a case of food to hold you over until rescue versus a TEOTWAWKI situation, I think Mr. Ritter's suggestion of a PLB as a means to be found as quickly as possible is a good idea. Such a thing would limit the amount of food you'd need I would think. I'm saving up for a PLB now, and going for the emergency rations as a stopgap measure.
"Learn survival skills when your life doesn't depend on it."