Forget magnesium bars.

Let me tell you the fire you need to think about: It's 7:00 PM, dark, November, steady rain, 35 deg. F, 20 mph sustained wind, you're freezing cold - if you can start THAT FIRE all the others are easy! There won't be a dry ball of grass anywhere - unless you brought it with you - and it won't be dry for long! So, here's my system:
- vaseline soaked lint or cotton balls (I'd want some at least size of golf ball)
- good sized ferro rod (you pick but go for a substantial one
- hacksaw scraper
- split down wood to get to dry center (crouching under poncho!) - look for birch, cedar, fat pine (or whatever in your region) - use the bark, too - sticks size of a pencil or smaller
- don't stop splitting until you have a pile "as big as your hat" (Horace Kephart)
- take three of the sticks and make a pile of shavings
- stick in vaseline ball
- strike fire and jump back!

If you need motivation read Jack London's "To Build A Fire"

Just my two cents!
See 'Ya Down the Trail,
Mike McGrath

"Be Prepared" "For what?" "Why, any old thing!" B-P