Having been a SAR person for some years, I can clearly see that today is no dfferent than 20 years ago. Searchers all mean well and try their best, there is always confusion, sketchy information and misinterpretations. That is why it is so important to leave clear trip plans with someone that can initiate a search. There will still be confusion and misguided efforts due to poor translation but that will be minimized by planning times, dates and road information. If you leave your planned route for any reason, call someone and tell them the change. The Kims probably only saw the deviation of their route as a minor inconvenience. They clearly did not understand the difference in that road over the planned road. Easy mistake to make, the consequenses speak for themselves.
Reading the link Doug provided, we can all clearly see the variations in reality and what was being reported earlier. Just as searchers are hindered by misinformation, the media seldom has correct information either. I can tell you that rescue efforts that I participated in, were not once reported correctly even if there was a helicopter newsman along. Not once did we recieve all the facts from service coordinators, they simply never have all the information or never disseminate it correctly.
We all need to keep these things in mind when we head out on a journey, there is seldom a quick rescue coming along unless you in clear site of a major road or residence. Keep yourself out of trouble but plan for the possibilities!
I can clearly rethink my attitude about a PLB now. Like Martin, I always saw them as a aviator or mariner "must have". Now I can see the value in an everyday road traveller owning such a device. An amatuer radio is also a great investment in personal safety, a HAM license is much easier to obtain now, and the radios are reasonably priced. You do need to know how to use one, knowledge of where reapeaters are located and the frequencies. I keep mine handy on the road.
Bottom line, preventable tragedy very sad outcome. Let's learn from this and get better at preparation and response.
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!