BAAAD things happened and youre on survival mode. You have found a retreat or built cabin ..etc. Now you face other people who are in survival mode too. Anyone could be carrying a gun or hunting ..etc.

What do you think are the fcators governing relation between survivors. Off course, cooperation is good for everyone. But we know that people are different and their brainbs are different.

So what image do you want to give the other survivor or group when you first see them ?? Do you say Hello with a big relaxed smile, or do you prepare your nerves for a quick gun draw ?

Seems that if other group has kids and elderly people we can be more relaxed but if they are a bunch of teenagers, especially male, we may lean towards more cautious approach..

What do you think if you are

(a) alone (man / woman)
(b) with spouse and kids or old parents

How do you measure (or guess) others ?
Will you invite someone to your tent (for a coffee) or to set his camp near yours ? Will you be able to sleep with strangers around ? If you have to , what precautions will you take.

Off course, this is different from the scenario where you have to share a government-controlled shelter. You are in the hills. And you are on your own.