Hey Blast,

You are welcome to use our camping gear if you make it out this way. Our camping gear is pretty limited though and is more geared toward family camping where weight is not a consideration. But other than food and water, should be sufficient. I have a cheapie four person tent, four each of 50 degree sleeping bags and foam sleeping pads, propane lantern (and stove attachment soon) If you don't want to bring any sharps, you can use my Wetterlings axe, kukhuri, SOG Government, Gerber saw, Leatherman Wave or some combination. You can also use my Magfire, disposable lighters, and you can have some cotton balls with vaseline and some fatwood (if I have any at the time). I have a couple of canteens and water bottles as well as a collapsable water carrier (4 gallons) and an MSR water bag (4L). Oh, and a couple of cheapie backpacks and a small Primus kettle. If you go to a place that doesn't allow an open fire, you can use my Trailstove.

If you are here without your family and want to go light, you can use my hammocks (I have two), a small tarp and some cordage. I don't have a mosqoito net though. I have been wanting to get one, but I just put repellant on.

If you plan on beach camping, you can use my diving gear too. I haven't used them since I had my children, but I think they are serviceable. I have mask and fins. My booties probably won't fit you. My dive knife rusted out and I didn't replace it. I also have a shorty wetsuit (L) for night diving as well as a UK 1200, if I recall the model number. Oh and a Hawaiian sling spear. No net bag, but you can inprovise a stringer with some cordage and a stick. The water isn't too cold, but if you stay in long it can get cold and is especially cold when you come out if it is windy. I also have floatie things for your girls. Arm floaties and tube floaties and buckets and shovels.

Oh and a homemade first aid kit. Childrens' sized rain ponchos and a couple of adult ones.

I figure if you bring your clothes and shoes, then pick up whatever you want to eat and maybe drink, you should be good to go. No can do on the house swap part though. My elderly mom lives with us.

Depending on when you come, if you want company, maybe we can join you. But let me know in advance, then I will pick up more gear. At the very least, maybe I can point you in a good direction for a place to camp. Let me know your preference, ocean or mountain. Lots of hiking spots nearby or not. Etc...

I don't have a canoe. Other than the ocean, I don't even know of a place to canoe here.

I also don't know if my family and I will visit Texas, but you never know. But you are welcome to use the gear though. It is all spread out outside drying in the sun and breeze right now.