This is one of those questions that I think I know the answer to, but I'll ask anyway.

About a year ago, I got my wife her first piece of EDC/prep equipment...a Leatherman Juice, which she keeps in her purse. I also set her up with some Shout wipes, and basic FAK, then later added a Micra and DR Photon to her keychain.

The other night I asked her, "Do you ever use the things I've stashed in your purse and on your keychain?" Her reply, sadly, was "Not really".

So I'm thinking I have other places I could use those do I leave them where they are, in the event she would want/need to use them, I do I put them to use in my own kits?
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)