Like many here I rely on canned vegetables for a good portion of my 30 day emergency supplies. To check the nutritional value I did a comparison of the labels of the various veggies that I've got stored. The results are shown below. They are generic-type (Western Family, etc) 15 oz. cans, and the numbers shown are the totals per can . From left to right is the name, calories, daily percentages of sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber, grams of protein, and the daily percentages of vitamins A & C. (I can't fit calcium, iron and folic acid on this page)

* indicates low-salt variety.

Spinach 135 24% 18% 6% 36% 15g 510% 75%
Sauerkrt 70 112% 28% 0% 56% 0g 0% 112%
Carrots 105 53% 7% 11% 28% 0g 525% 0%
Corn* 280 4% 14% 21% 28% 2g 0% 21%
Asprgus 70 53% 14% 4% 14% 2g 21% 88%
Potatoes 275 35% 25% 20% 28% 2g 10% 50%
Greenbns 70 56% 14% 4% 28% 1g 21% 14%
Grenbns* 70 4% 4% 4% 28% 0g 14% 21%

It's pretty hard to read (sorry!) but I was able to draw some conclusions. My favorites, the greenbeans, are practically worthless, and I'll be replacing most of them in my stash. Fortunately I also like spinach and potatoes. I'll also be rotating out the regular style in favor of the low-sodium when available. And finally, a bottle of multivitamins appears to be a necessity.