Any society requires order. Without it society cannot function. Normally that operates by what is generally termed "Rule of Law". If a situation occures in which ROL is no longer able to operate, it follows that Ordinary Decent Citizens (yes, I capitalised that deliberatly because that is a title that should be worn with pride) must either band together and be prepared to impose that order, or be prey for those individuals who consider their fellow man to be, shall we say, dinner.
Villigante or Posse Commatus is a logical way to deal with the situation.
If a "Bad Guy" does move in and try to take over by a process of violence and intimidation, then measured force becomes your only realistic option. Bribing them to go away does not work. Danegeld does not get rid of the Dane. The certainty that he will get hurt - or killed- will.
If you do choose to hang him, be certain that he gets a fair trial first. That is very much the first step back to ROL. You do not want the alteratives.
I don't do dumb & helpless.