Oh Lord, I can't believe I am bringing this up again, but since you asked...

Pemmican in its many forms makes excellent camp cooking supply. You can add a lot of things to it to make it cook up like a soup or even a stew of sorts, and it is quite nourishing and holds up well. I've even mixed dried beef, minute rice, dehydrated refried beans, dehydrated onion, and chili powder in one and made quite a nice chili stew out of it.

Pemmican is a way to bind other ingredients together, preserve them better, and add a lot of energy. It goes from savory to sweet very easily. You can cook up a small amount and still have a substantial meal from it, making a small cup doable as a cooking utensil.

Again, from a survival standpoint, all the other ingredients make the most sense as additives to basic pemmican.

Okay, maybe I am getting slightly OCD about this, but so long as it keeps getting overlooked by others, I am going to keep having to mention it. I guess this is just going to have to be my mission in life.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)