they don't have the mental ability to determine when it's right to cause physical harm to others.

You hit my other fear directly on the head. I doubt DD is old enough to truely understand when it'd be okay to hurt someone. I don't want to get a phone call from DW saying DD punched another kid in the throat for taking a toy...

The latest school shooting really has me riled up. We went through so much to get DD and the thought of someone trying to ever harm her makes me a little nuts. I'd go bare-handed against a grizzly for her.

The biting/kicking might be the way to go for now. One of the games we play when out walking is "Bad Dog". We'll be going along when suddenly I'll say "bad dog". DD immedieately curls up in a ball on her knees with her hands protecting the back of her neck. Then a bit later she says "bad dog" to me and I have do the same curl. It gets odd looks from the neighbors but thats okay by me. Maybe I can come up with a similar thing for "Bad People" in a way that doens't freak her out.

Am I blowing everything out of proportion/being too paranoid?
Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
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