FWIW I used to drive for a large school district in SLC and one day as I pulled into the school to drop off elementary kids and pick up new ones we were met by the local police dept. and quickly escorted into the school and was quickly placed into lock down, not the most pleasant of days but we were told that a guy had robbed a store two blocks from the school and everybody was on the lookout for this guy, parents were told that their kids were safely locked inside the school w/ police at every exit, so there was no way this clown was getting in. He was caught about a mile north of the school hiding in his own house (caught by video tape, known crook) We were let go after an hour and a half of being inside the school
EDC: Samsung Galaxy Note 2,DR PSK, Swiss Army Champ, Leatherman Blast
My Blog emergencybobs.wordpress.com