Are you worried that schools becoming an outlet for people to express their anger at the world?

Quite the contrary. Schools are incubators for all the worst behaviours in human beings. What other aspect of life generates such antipathy? Look at pop music - song after song after song about how much school is "hated" - songs advocating violence against the school make the charts. Anyone here old enough to remember "Schools Out For Summer" by Alice Cooper?

Here's a snippet of the lyrics from that one:

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all

School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely

Under current "zero tolerance" rules that entire song would be called a "terroristic threat".

Certainly, schools become centers of both over-zealous authoritarianism and as a result develop an excessive level of emotion and anger.

That's my personal opinion, and has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else.