Gator,<br><br>Nice website you suggested. I cruised around it a bit. The link in your email did not come up for me initially (I shortened the URL you provided and got to the site to poke around), and I found info. on chlorine/bleach which is what I think you were referring to. <br><br> In the course on looking around, I found a word search box in that site. When I keyed in Potassium Permanganate it came up with a bunch of references to what appears to be a single main document of about 346 pages. This provided additional & interesting reading (to me at least). This document has information regarding the recommended amounts to use for various chemicals.<br><br>Considering that water treatment has been the subject of several threads in the recent past, it was nice to see another "official" take on the subject.<br><br>FWIW . . . On a side note, although I recall having seen water disinfection information of bleach bottles in the past, since reading this thread, I've been looking at bleach bottles in several stores (Publix / Winn Dixie / Costco / Walmart) and strangley enough have not seen these instructions printed on any of about 20 different brands of bleach. <br><br>Also, I found that there has been a massive increase in the amount of bleaches that have other active ingredients. It was a bit of a task to find good ole plain bleach with one active ingredient. <br><br>Enjoy,<br>Comanche7

Edited by Comanche7 (07/28/02 07:58 PM)