I also like the braided spectra lines, like Spiderwire. I know some people have trouble tieing it, but it's no worse IMHO than the 69# thread that is the PSP.

Along with using the leaders for birds, you can use them for squirrels and chipmunks and the like. Add a very small hook, bait it with something they'll like, and put it on a branch. They eventually swallow the hook or it snares in thier paw, the struggle, fall of the branch, and dangle there until you fetch them. As Bubbajoe said, not very nice, but it works.

And your crawdad trap sounds like my minnow trap. Minnows aren't much, but it's just like goldfish. Head back, mouth open, drop, swallow.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.