In my experience a Bic or a Zippo often needs a second-stage tinder which will hold the flame and burn for a minute or so. Paper will do if you have enough; cotton wool if it's soaked in wax or vasaline; commercial tinders like tinder card or quik tab or Coghlan's are great. Without something like that, I find it hard to start a fire with a Bic unless conditions are ideal (eg no wind).

I've never been a fan of matches because they are bulky, don't cope with water, can degrade over time and can be hard to light. And they have the same issue as above - they really need a second-stage tinder.

You can often improvise tinder, but nowadays I like to carry some so I don't have to.

(A first-stage tinder would be something that turns a spark or ember into a flame - the fuel in a lighter, or the chemicals in a match.)
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