A few points in favor of the 2WD Ural Motorcycles:

The new Urals are very reliable since the new representatives in Redmond Washington have been working with Russian quality control for the past few years.

The upgrades include modern carborators, alternators and disc brakes.

All parts for these motorcycles are readily available by many Ural dealers in the USA.

The Ural is about 65" wide so it will fit in the back of most pickup trucks; much narrower than a typical jeep or SUV.

These vehicles can carry 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 kids and plenty of gear. Yes the sidecar bikes take time to learn how to drive safely.

I would indeed rather have a simple vehicle I can fix by the side of the road rather than abandon the other options and have no wheels at all; but then I'm a tinkerer and good at fixing things.

There's a reason these bikes are still made and used by the military of fifteen European countries and NATO; because research indicates they're durable, repairable and proof tested for decades. This is not casual research or hearsay, but research by military standards; the ultimate survival testing IMHO.