You might not like this answer, but if you feel detached, "like a ghost", and your circadians are shot, you might actually be clinically depressed.

That does NOT mean you are crazy. It means that your brain chemistry is out of wack. You probably hate your job (I loath tech support gigs), and between the stress, isolation, and lack of sleep (so REM state deprivation and apnea do tie into this), your brain might not be working properly. And if you smoke (don't remember if you do) and haven't had nicotine for 8 hours, you're in withdrawl anyway.

I'm not saying that you are depressed; I'm not saying you aren't. But I think when you talk to a doc about things like how you are sleeping, it's worth bringing up. And becuase true depression is a chemical imbalance, it's a physical disorder, not a purely mental one, so you should be covered. It could also be your diet, or any of a dozen things.

Also, learn to laugh about the customers and the job- if I hadn't, I'd be in prison or the wacko ward with a straight jacket. It's dated, but the "sysop from hell" is worth a laugh. Dilbert. If you have coworkers, start a game about the worst call of the shift or week. Read web comics that are acutally funny. Make stick figures out of coffee stirers and hang them off your cube walls with dental floss nooses or drown them in soda or crush them under runaway donuts. Laughing actually does good things with your brain chemistry, so long is it isn't evil scientist about to get revenge on the world laughter. So does chocolate. And, IMHO, orange juice.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.