Aloha Everyone,

I have been enjoying this forum. Thanks for all of your information and pictures. I thought it might be about time to contribute more of my own.

Here's my urban EDC (outdoors EDC doesn't change this too much, but more stuff is added):

small card wallet (ID, credit cards, misc cards, cash, fresnel lens, finger band-aids, cotton square, sparklite, jute cord) & pocket cash
RAZR phone
Breitling watch
swisstool spirit OR alox farmer SAK (on the rare occasions where I feel I might need a more robust blade, I will also carry a Spyderco Native S30V)
house & misc keys
car key (only one set, depending on what I am driving that day)
business card case & ipaq 4150 pda (when I am working)
EDC keychain (whistle, small SAK, fenix LOP, small sharpener)

depending on what I am doing, my bag with other stuff in it. cars have yet more stuff.

I try to keep the EDC to a minimum as I am mostly in shorts and don't always want to carry a bag. I appreciate any suggestions and comments.