Why oh why did we not learn from the 70's? OPEC shut off the pump and we paid dearly. Now we find ourselves in the same situation, needing oil from people who hate us! Is it a conspiracy of BIG OIL? Probably not, because our "BIG CAR COMPANIES" gave us what we wanted....big trucks and SUV's. Now, that said, we also havbe other factions that have put us where we are. Environmentalists not wanting us to drill for oil off the coasts of our country or in Alaska. Other environmentalists not wanting us to put wind farms off of Mass. or VA coasts. Cogressmen not wanting windmills on top of mountains in West VA. Envirnmental regulations not letting power plants upgrading to become more effecient without overhaulling the plant to make it cleaner. So....who's fault is it? You and I for not paying attention and conserving and promoting new technologies and not conserving more. (How many of you added phone lines for faxes, cell phones, computers, etc?) However it's also our shortsightedness and letting people who profess to want to protect the environment harm the rest of us.

(get's down from the soapbox and puts up the sheilds from the slings and arrows that are sure to come his way)