Bravo, bravo.

I couldn't agree with you more. I actually heard two separate experts this morning on the news radio that I listen to here around DC. Both agreed that screening is a waste of time and that our resources should be focused on the trackdown/eliminate part. " one was ever caught at the airport..." was the basic theme. So I must applaude the somewhat left of centrist radio station.

People are responsible for their own safety, period. Police, EMTs, firefighters, military etc... assist in this capacity, but it is up to the individual to make himself safe and secure. I fully support the previous occupations (voluntary or otherwise) and was part of the same, but they are too few and far between......oh yea, that would be a police state.

If you don't like the screening processes, then don't fly. I'm not. I'm late 30's and my parents and I didn't fly anywhere growing up, no one did. We planned accordingly. I think it is time that we Americans take a good look at what we now take for granted and change our perception/expectations accordingly.
