Is it on the second floor or higher? That's good from a security aspect but you may want to keep an escape ladder in your bedroom. It also goes without saying to replace the short screws holding your door latch to the wall with 3"-4" screws to make it harder to kick in the door. A peephole is also a good thing to have even if there's a window next to the door. Sometimes it's nice to see who is outside your door without them seeing you.

Double check the smoke detectors and keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and bedrooms.

Keep a corded phone in your bedroom. If the power goes out a cordless phone won't work.

Invite your neighbors over for a beer. Learn which ones you can trust.

What sort of ceiling do you have? I lived in one place where the landlord had remodled an old building and installed a drop ceiling. One day while bored I lifted a panel, looked around and discovered that the apartment walls ended a few inches above the ceiling panels. A person could easily get into any apartment on their floor!

Do you have cable or satillite TV? You might want to pick up a cheap rabbit-ear anntena in case the you are limited to broadcast TV for some reason (bad storm blocks sat. signal, flooding shorts out neighborhood cable box, etc...)

What sort of parking do you have? Here in Houston (especially these last few days) high ground is better than shade to avoid any flooding problems.

What sort of neighborhood? Back in New York I ended up keeping a sheet of plywood in my apartment to cover the window whenever some punk would come by and smash it.

Tools especially a drill, hammer, pliers, pipe wrench, screwdrivers, cresent wrench, toilet augar (if you have roommates like some I've had!), measuring tape and a level.

Renters insurance (this usually isn't possible if you have non-family roommates).

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
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