Well, yes, I have been there in summer. And I got out as fast as I could. My sympathies to all the residents.

But I'll bet that most of the people who died are old, or working harder than they should be in that awful heat.

But that wasn't Girlie's problem. She wanted lights, she wanted a phone to complain on, and she wanted money. That seemed to be the extent of her grief.

She wasn't in a wheelchair. She wasn't gasping for air because her oxygen machine wasn't working. She wasn't even in the first stage of heat exhaustion. There were no bad guys kicking the door in. The house/apartment wasn't on fire. Her little world was a tiny bit off track and she just wanted to whine.

Sorry, I'll save my sympathy for the people who deserve it. Silly little twits just aren't on my list.

The shallow end of the gene pool still needs more chlorine.

Cynical Sue