This is one of the funniest threads I've seen here!

I read all the posts, then went back to the original, to make sure I hadn't missed something. I heard there was a storm and some power outages and flooding in St. Louis on the TV at work. Is this the big deal?

Not a terrorist attack, not a major hurricane, not a big cluster of tornadoes, not a major earthquake, volcano eruption, super tsunami or massive alien attack.

It's just a storm and the power went out. What kind of big friggin' deal is THAT?!

This dimwit of the female persuasion lives in the Storm Center of America, and is bawling because the power went out? And this is Number What of how many times this has happened in her poor little life?

She had shelter, the storm would probably pass in a few hours, and BF had just arrived. So.... exactly where was the problem?

Drama queens like this aren't born, they're made. They've learned how to manipulate people (esp guys) far better than most. It's all about them: So what are you going to do for me NOW?

The guy has just offered to provide her with light, shelter, food, warmth and money. But that wasn't enough. She wanted him to baby her, commiserate with her about how badly the gods were treating her, and heaven knows what else.

This wasn't a survival situation, it was a stage.
