I agree that there are too many variables to know who was right/wrong or both.

A good rule that I've learned to stick to, is that someone must ask me for help if they know what they need and know that I have it. There are too many "I want to do it my self"ers out there.

I'll offer polite sudgestions if someone needs something, but doesn't know either what it is that they need, or where/how to get it.

Something like: "Well, I can't see all to well in here cause it's a bit dark, but I have a flashlight if you need help finding those keys."

But I've been yelled at before for paying for dinner with my emergency cash, so I know how it can happen. I was with a group of coworkers and we didn't realize that it was a cash-only joint. We were only about $15 short and started asking if anyone knew of a nearby ATM. We were in a bit of a hurry and it was too long of a walk to wait while someone hoofed it, so I broke out another $20 bill that I had in my stash. One of my coworkers then proceded to tell me how inconsiderate I was. I just said that I put this bill in a different part of my walet a while ago and had forgotten about it untill just then. It was hard not to walk out of the resteraunt with my extra cash (my dinner was paid for), but for the sake of the others I didn't.

I will NEVER again offer any of my emergency stuff that is not asked for, especialy for something so trivial.