While yes, most outdoor tasks can be done by a smaller knife and a huge knife is more often than not overkill, don't underestimate the usefulness of a good bigger fixed blade knife. The real utility of a fixed blade knife, like the Becker Crewman, is that some tasks are easier and quicker than with a smaller knife. When the SHTF and you are scrambling to build a shelter, fire, etc using less energy and time is a good thing! Again, yes these tasks can be completed with a smaller knife but it is easier and quicker, requiring less energy with a larger one.

If you have the money to buy one and neither weight nor room are an issue than bring a good fixed blade knife. I do leave my fixed blade knifes home from time to time, but I prefer to have one with me in the field!
"Trust in God --and press-check. You cannot ignore danger and call it faith." -Duke