Woft,<br><br>why would you like something in your PSK that would knock you out? You need to use all your senses when "surviving". I would agree on the mild pain killer but nothing as serious as prescription drugs. I would take a general antibiotic with me when going climbing or hiking for 4 weeks but nothing for the short term. Of course they were times in the past when I wish I had a powerful pain killer with me but at the end because I didn't, pain was my guidline how far I can push myself. If you suck it up, your body will produce enough pain killers to smooth the pain and part that hurts will just become numb but if you push to hard it will come back and let you know to take it easy.<br><br>Example:<br>I was doing speed hikes in the Deleware Water Gap area and I met a pair of doctors who hiked with their friends. In their car they had a small pharmacy. One of the girls in their group did something to her knee so the doctors trying to be helpfull gave her a pain killer shot and a steroid injection. Girl feeling a miracle cure hiked the mountain faster than anyone, 4 weeks later she had a reconstructive surgery on her knee and than another one and another one.<br><br>Matt