DEAR DOUG.<br> <br> IM SORRY FOR POSTING "SURVIVALISIM" POSTS. I DIDNT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SURVIVALISIM AND SURVIVAL. TO ME THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.<br>sur·viv·al (sr-vvl) <br> 1.<br> a.The act or process of surviving. <br> b.The fact of having survived. <br> 2.Something, such as an ancient custom or belief, that has survived. <br>i found no match for survivalisim. please tell me what it means<br>because to me planning survival is survivalisim.<br>buying survival kits is planning survival which is survivalisim.<br><br> I mean not to anger you doug but that is all i know about that please tell me what the difference between survival and survivalisim. Thank you,<br> Rhawn Fischer Age 14<br><br>