Several years ago I tried to cash a check at a local bank drive thru. Since I didn't have an account there they said I needed to come inside the bank for fingerprinting. I just drove away and cashed it at my own bank.

I like being able to cash a check at the bank it is drawn on to eliminate any surprise of the check bouncing later, but I'm just not too keen on handing out my fingerprints, eye scans, DNA specimens or stool samples to just anybody.

The big shocker is the requirement to have your fingerprints digitally scanned to get into Disney World in Florida. I was floored. If my family wasn't there with me, I'd have just walked away. I asked the folks at the gate why they were requiring finger print scans. They claimed that is was to protect me if my ticket was ever lost. I assumed if I lost a ticket they would have me re-scanned to verify my identity, then issue at ticket. So let's test the system. I proceeded to loose my ticket. I went to the guest services and a new ticket was re-issued without the scan. Something fishy with this Disney scanning.

This Disney scan really got me thinking (conspiracy mode on)... With some of the recent allegations that telephone records from the top communications providers were given to the USG for surfing, I have to wonder if Disney is helping the gov surf for felons or other goblins that might visit their parks? Just wondering.