I'm not an SD expert but from what i've been told there is a rule of thumb that if you draw a weapon, the situation has to be so dire as to require that level of force to stop the attacker. If you are not going to need that, then don't show it. In your situation, if there was that level of threat and you aren't willing to shoot the attacker, don't go for the gun, don't even acknowledge it's existence. Drawing it, and not using it would only make things worse i would think, especially if it were taken from you. Even if you weren't shot, the attacker might use it on someone else.

Having a gun around is a serious undertaking. It requires that you have thought through what you would do, in what situations, with a review of the law in your area and how you would deal with the consequences, legal, emotional and moral. It's like a baby, you have to know where it is at all times, what condition it's in etc. Then, if you have decided that you are willing to go as far as shooting someone else to protect yourself or others 'within your mantle of protection' you need to practice so that you can do it when called upon.

I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of my guns. I used to think, when i was younger, that these issues and decisions were simple and that i would be able to do it if need be. This was around the time of the LA riots and i was glad to have them then. Now i'm not so sure, and in that case, having the weapons around is only a liability.