I have a girlfriend who I am packing an emergency kit for her car. She is not into survival thinking and is an indoor person. She accepts something can happen on the road or elsewhere, she is close to her vehicle nearly all of the time. I will eventually get her to carry a PSK or urban EDC kit. But she could get stuck somewhere out on the highway in the middle of nowhere or of course the normal "anything could happen."

Can I get suggestions on a kit to keep in her car in case of anything happening? I am trying to build one and tailor it to her and train her on what she doesn't know how to use. I need suggestions and outright "NASTY" criticisms on what to add and what to omit. No offenses taken, I am willing to learn. My contents gathered so far:

(She has a Spyderco Ladybug for EDC)
*A good old fashioned noggin knocker carved from white maple. (My attention-getter when drug pushers are knocking on the door)
*A Gerber multitool
*matches in orange waterproof matchcase
*PJ soaked cotton balls in orange waterproof matchcase
*She has a real unquestionably-good FAK, so that needs no further debate (it would waste our time)
*Warm Blanket
*Space blanket
*Pealess whistle w/ lanyard (not loud enuff - am getting her a Fox 40)
*10 ft of mason string
*Coughlan's signal mirror (will get a better one - this can break)
*several feet of orange 2" wide duct tape
*button compass
*small can opener similar to P-52 but with more leverage
*jumper cables
*extra oil, fluids etc. for car
*60g of gatorade powder
*4 large safety pins
*long-burning survival candle
*55 gal drum liner
*she keeps warm jacket in the car
*emergency poncho

Me, a vegetarian? My set of teeth came with canines.