I was working on a reply in the old thread, but this looks like a better place to go. This is my first post here and I just want to say, this forum is an absolutely amazing resource! Anyway, on to business.

I find myself in a similar situation to yours. I am a trial attorney, so not only do I have to dress nice all the time, I have to be able to go through metal-detector security points, which rules out most knives and multi-tools.

What I carry right now that I get through about 99% of the time is a leatherman squirt. However, that tends to be in the courts where I am a regular. When they don't recognize me, or I am in the nearby big city, it almost always gets taken from me. Man, I hate that. But, until something better comes along, it's what I keep on my keyring. I am considering removing the knife blade, then putting an exacto-blade in my wallet. Suggestions are welcome.

The only other odd item I carry is my mini-maglite with LED refit and about 2' of duct tape around the handle. I am considering taking the duct tape off and putting a flat roll in my wallet. Anyway, it goes in my front pocket with my keys, and has never drawn attention except when I pull it out to go through security.

A Treo 650 is on a belt holster. It's not only useful, but very chic. Right now, I'm working on loading it with files that would be useful in an emergency and assuming I can't get an internet connection with it.

My wallet contains the following (in addition to cash, credit cards, etc.):
2x large fabric bandaids
a baggie you get for vegitables in the grocery store
phone card
emergency contact list
extra business cards
2x safety pins
needle and thread

My keychain has in addition to the Squirt:
flat emergency whistle
.5 Gig Jump Drive (with daily office backup, etc.)
red LED light (not really necessary, I suppose, with the maglite, but handy sometimes and for when I don't want to ruin night vision.)

When times are hard we must harden to them.