So this pack and contents are what I take on all my 4x4/off-road adventures. The pack is my 'backup' to the usual gear already in my jeep, and is basicaly the backup-backup of food. Meaning I always bring extra food and water but if for some reason that runs out I have suplys in my backpack. The pack comes wtih me if I drive or not. You will notice redundancy and luxury items (water treatment methods, hand warmers, aloe, shovel, etc) as well as probably more than enough of some items.

I'm looking for advice on items to add to the pack (still room).

Overall Pack Look:

Left Side

Left Side Contents

Right Side

Right Side contents

Main Zipper Pouch Contents

(Tuna is in indinvual ziplocks, and double wrpaped in freezer, and taped to prevent mishaps)

Main Pouch Pot/Cup Contents (stove & spork & replacement stuff for stove)

Main Sub-Pouch (tiny)

Main Sub-Pouch Contents

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