The prices not only have gone up but the supplies are drying up. Perhaps there could be some sales later this summer as people unload some of their bird-flu supplies, but those would likely be snapped up by those preparing for hurricane season.

With prices approaching $70-80 PLUS shipping, I've decided to switch to freeze dried backpacking meals supplimented by Mountain House oven kits. Additionally, I've found more foods packed in retort packages at the local Wal-Mart for a lot lower prices. For example, our Wal-Mart had Starkist Tuna Lunch packs with 3 oz of tuna, crackers, with mayo/relish packets. They were only $1.47 each with a 2008 expiration date.

Paying over $6.00 bucks a MRE meal seems a little too steep. For the same price I can have more options at the local stores without paying for shipping.

Just my two-penny contribution.
Also known as BrianEagle. I just remembered my old password!