If you still didn't leave:<br><br>Max length is 4 inches or not wider than palm of your hand. No switch blades or fixed blades. I carry my Wave and Buck CrossLock in the open and have no problems but please be aware that due to increased securtiy some museums and galleries can give you hard time about the blade.<br><br>Interesting stores:<br><br>Paragon Sports at Broadway and 18th Street: huge knife, multi tool, binoculars, watches and accesories selection little pricy but fun. <br><br>Canal Jeans Company at Broadway and Prince Street: huge surplus clothes selection cheap but good quality stuff. And some nice clothes for your lady. <br><br>B&H Photo on 9th ave and 34th Street in you are into optics and binoculars.<br><br>If you are visting Ground Zero (my old work place) do so early and you will avoid standing in line forever. <br><br>Hope that helps. Drop me a line if you need to find out more.<br><br>Matt