
Grocery Store Eggs. You could use the other "raw" hen fruit, I'm sure, but I rarely have access to farm eggs these days so I have not done that. I suspect that fertilized eggs may be a little more perishable, but that's only a guess.

The coating on the eggs reduces oxygen transport and retards evaporation - that's all. The Crisco treatment is so cheap, easy, fast, and effective that I'm not interested in experimenting with parafin. OTOH, I bet that plain petrolateum jelly (unscented etc) would do equally well, although perhaps a tic more in cost.

Never had any problems with Crisco going rancid - heck, most everyone keeps vegetable shortening in the cupboard anyway, right? Lard varies in it's susceptability to going rancid.

I greatly prefer this method to freezing. Eggs are cheap enough - try a few dozen this way and see what you think.

