Yes "Survivor" sucks big time... When I first heard about the show comming out I was slightly excited because I tought it's going to be like Eco Challenge type of thing but when I saw the first episode I snapped back to reality. Too much of the corporate politics and it acctually reminded me of my office.<br><br>Few days ago I saw a show on TLC about survivng in New Zeland and how everything can fail and go the wrong way. It was a really nice awaking and reminder for me how weather can change very quickly and how dangerous it can be. <br><br>But if you want your own version of survivor do this: me and my friends desided to do a Mini Eco Chalenge. Yes it has something to do with endurance besides survival skill but it was fun. We rode our bikes for 30 miles, than kayaked down the river for another 30 and hiked 15 miles. All that in 20 hours. It was all about team work, pacing and right planning. Everyone had their own speciallity that we put to use. It was great and next day I felt like a million dollars. Just my 2 cents.<br><br>Matt