My minimum EDC:
1) weather forecast
2) appropriate dress for the weather conditions
3) wristwatch
4) handkerchief
5) small pocketknife or mini SAK
6) some kleenex stuffed into a pocket or two
7) keys : house and car plus a mini led light
8) some form of currency

The rest is based on situational need. Most commonly I may add....
1) cell phone
2) 20 oz. water bottle
3) Dorcy LED
4) sunglasses
5) medium size SAK or mimi-tool
6) one or more other items depending on what I'm doing that particular day.

My job is in a public school, so I have to be careful what I carry on my person. A school is a relatively safe environment anyway. There is a cop and a nurse and during an emergency a school will get priority treatment. My home is also safe b/c I'm in control. So, I concentrate on the commute between the two. But that's the subject of another thread.