When I was a kid [ way too many years ago ] I learned some good skills that might help me in a survival situation . I wasn't a boyscout or have any real training . I just picked up these skills mostly by trial & error while playing . I learned how to catch diferent types of fish with minimul equipment . Learned how to catch frogs and turtles [ a good emergency food ] which is not as easy as you might think . Learned how to build a fire in all types of weather with just a few , usually slightly damp , matches - I would build a fire to keep warm when fishing on cold and wet days . Learned how to build a fairly weather proof shelter , from branches leaves and pine needles , in the woods . Was able to navagitate through many unfamiliar wooded areas without getting lost . Learned a little about hunting small game - had a BB gun . I picked up a lot of general info about the outdoors by just being out a lot . These things may not seem like a lot but Imo Most kids these days couldn't do any of those things . I was fishing the other day and noticed that I rarely see kids fishing the shoreline like we used to when I was a kid . Unfortunately , because of all the child predators out there these days , the kids lead sheltered , protected lives . They can't go out and " be kids " like we used to . I think that as part of your preparing for some sort of disaster scenario that you try to involve your sons , daughters , nephews and nieces . Teach them how to fish or hunt , build a shelter , start a fire etc. You never know , they might be forced to try to survive without you .