Yes. And the using of the heavily promoted drugs isn't diabolical. It's just that someone was just by with some talking about it. So here comes someone with a case of strep pharyngitis and I have this new stuff over here that will hit it so I give it to them. Problem is, the new antibiotic would have been better saved in reserve for something more difficult to eradicate in a perfect world. As I said before, in this specific example, Penicillin VK would be the drug of choice, but no one promotes that anymore and so the physician won't have any of that around to hand out prior to the prescription being filled. Also, as another post mentioned the consumer bears some responsibility, too, because of noncompliance by not completing courses of therapy. We also insist on antibiotics that the physician would just as soon not prescribe, but they want to please us to, just like anyone else would. So the problem is multi-faceted and I didn't intend to lay the blame at one set of feet. Also, industry should be credited for continuing to outsmart the bugs, at least to now.