Can lifeboat matches be lit on any old match striker, or is the one on the lid of the vial special?

What does everyone else think, not just for my PSK but in general. In a limited amount of space, which are the best matches to use, keeping in mind that you can carry fewer lifeboat matches but the overall quality is arguably better?

Lifeboat matches should be able to utilize any striker designed for matches. They're nice... kind of like the NATO wind/waterproof matches. Burn like little flares. As far as what you use, it's up to you. Personally, if I could only have a handful of matches, I'd rather just go with a mini bic. If it does work, you get potentially hundreds of fires compared to a dozen for matches. If it malfunctions, you have your spark lite.

Still, you're right... you have to weigh quality vs. quantity when space is at a premium.