Like most tasks fire building is mostly in the prep work. <br><br>Make sure you have dry tinder, lots of pencil sized, lots of finger-sized wood up to 2-3 finger sized wood. Wrist size to split logs are only for much later once the fire is going.<br><br>Like above, the teepee and log cabin techniques work well. I tend to use the teepee more frequently. Start with dry tinder. Lean small twigs and sticks 1/2 the size of a pencil diameter against each other in a teepee style arrangement overtop the tinder leaving one side open. I usually place enough of this size around until it is difficult to put a match through. Then I start stacking pencil sized and then finger sized sticks. When the teepee is about a foot tall and a foot in diameter, then I light the tinder. The tinder should burn long enough to ignite the twigs which light the pencil which light the finger.<br><br>I keep feeding finger sized until I have a good self supporting fire going. Not until then to I start adding the larger sizes. This size wood will burn hot and quickly so have lots of twigs and sticks on hand. <br><br>Make sure you collect all your wood before you ever think of lighting anything. If you build your teepee and have no other wood left, you will fail. You need double the amount it took to make the teepee set to the side before you light the tinder. You need double that amount in wrist sized wood. Trying to find more wood while trying to light a fire is a sure way to fail.<br><br>