I've been reading in the forums that Camillus is not doing so well, that the workers have been on strike since since May 17, 2006. Also, there are rumors of bankruptcy circulating.
There are threads on both Bladeforums and Knifeforums encouraging those who care to buy a Camillus knife now to try and help out the company and hopefully prevent the loss of another great American knife manufacturer.
I went ahead and got myself a BK-7, it arrived a few days ago. Boy am I impressed! It's my first real large fixed blade. I must say, it's too large. But I'm still happy to have one. Now I'm itching to get either a BK-10 or BK-2 just to have something in a more practical size. But what I really want is the Ritter-ized version of the BK-xx.
I hope Camillus doesn't go under. But I have to wonder if this isn't going to further delay the release of the Ritter fixed blade.