I used to live in Georgia. Sam Nunn was our senator. He has hooked up with a group that is working to secure all bomb grade nuclear material. This group has a web site and will send you a free video. This group thinks that a terrorist could smuggle a nuclear warhead into the US through Canada and transport it in an SUV to any major city they like. You might send for the free video. It is in no way an EOTWAWKI video. It is a “yell at your representatives to get them off the dime on securing nuclear material” video. It does show how easy it would be for a terrorist to nuke us. I do not think we are only in danger from a nuke in a cargo container. I now think one could be transported anywhere in the US.

Last Best Chance

I was under the false assumption that any nuclear device could be detected by a radiation meter. When I was in the US Army in Germany (early 1980s) we went in the bunker that had the nukes for the 155mm howitzers. There was no warning of any radiation danger except the usual radiation symbol on the door. In the video it shows a border guard using a radiation meter to check an SUV with a nuke and not detecting anything. He lets the SUV pass.
Thermo-regulate, hydrate and communicate.